Competition and Tariff Commission
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Competition and Tariff Commission

For Economic Recovery Through Fair Business and Trade Practices

The Competition and Tariff Commission (Commission) is a statutory body established under the Competition Act [Chapter 14:28]. The present Commission is a product of the merger in 2001 of the former Industry and Trade Competition Commission (ITCC) and Tariff Commission (TC). The ITCC had been established under the Competition Act, 1996 (No.7 of 1996) as a competition regulatory authority, while the TC had been established under the Tariff Commission Act [ Chapter 14:29] as a trade tariffs advisory authority. Both the ITCC and TC had commenced operations in 1998. The merger of the ITCC and TC was provided for under the Competition Amendment Act, 2001 (No.29 of 2001), which also repealed the Tariff Commission Act [Chapter 14:29].
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Restrictive Practices
Restrictive practices as defined in terms of section 2(1) of the Competition Act [Chapter 14:28] include anti-competitive agreements, and other concerted action, and unilateral conduct of an abusive nature. Abuse of dominance, or monopolisation is implied in the definition. Section 32(2) of the Act provides that “… the Commission shall regard a restrictive practice as contrary to the public interest if it is engaged in by a person with substantial market control over the commodity or service to which the practice relates.”
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Our Mandate


To promote and maintain competition and fair trade in all sectors of the economy of Zimbabwe
Our Team
Robert Gerry

Marketing Specialist

Mrs Amelia

Assistant Manager

Mr James

Marketing Specialist

Mr John Doe

CEO & Founder

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